Make your own earrings with beautiful beads. "It is very cosy to potter about with a bead project," Anna says with a smile.
Cut a 50 cm piece of metal wire and add 40 beads to it.
Lead one end of the wire through the first bead that you placed and pull to create a noose, as shown in the video. Leave 15-17 cm wire without beads on the end that you moved through.
On the short wire which is 15-17 cm, add 17 beads and one freshwater pearl. Now, move the wire back through all the 17 beads you have just placed. This way, the wire surrounds the freshwater pearl when you pull.
Repeat step 3 on the other end of the wire and pull.
Repeat with the same long end of the wire. Make a noose for the bow as you did in step 2. Now, it is shaped like a bow.
Repeat with the same long end of the wire. Now, it is time to lock the shape. Place the wire over the noose next to it, then under the wire with beads, then over the next wire with beads and finally under the last noose.
Add 12 beads to the long end of the wire and bend this piece around the middle of the bow as shown in the video. Move the end of the wire through the first of the 12 beads and pull.
Wrap the ends of the wire around each other with the long-nose pliers and cut of excess wire using the side-cutting pliers, leaving about 0.5 cm. Bend this piece so it is hidden on the back of the bow.
Finish the earring with an o-ring and earring hook.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.