Anna likes to bring a small present for the hostess whenever she and Clara visit friends.
In this video, Anna shows how you can create a home-made brownie mix which your dear ones can finish.
Mix flour, salt and baking powder, and pour the mixture into a jar. Add the remaining ingredients to the jar in the order listed above.
Write a card to your dear friend with the following instructions:
Pour the marshmallows and the chocolate chips into a bowl. Find a second bowl and use it to mix the remaining contents of the jar with butter, eggs and water. Whip the dough with a hand mixer for approximately one minute. Pour the marshmallows and the chocolate chips into the dough, and stir well. Pour the dough into a greased pan, and bake the brownies for approximately 30 min at 175â°C
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.