Skapaðu spenning hjá elskulegum börnunum með persónulegum og fallega mynstruðum jólasokk gerðum úr bútasaumsefni.
Select four different types of patchwork fabric, print the template and cut out the pattern pieces.
Divide the pattern pieces into colours for the different patchwork patterns, and then pin together the patchwork fabric with the pattern pieces. Finally, assemble the pattern pieces with patchwork fabric for the shape of a stocking.
Start from the bottom, remove the paper and sew the patchwork parts together with 1 cm seam allowance.
Once you have sewn all the patchwork parts together, it is a good idea to iron the entire patchwork side to make it flat and straighten all corners.
Now cut out the pattern parts, which are found on the last four pages of the template. Assemble the parts using tape so that they have the shape of a stocking.
Now place the entire stocking on one of the patchwork fabric pieces at an angle so that the fabric covers the entire stocking. Then cut out three pieces of the large stocking. One for a reverse stocking to be used for the back, and two pieces to be used for the lining of the stocking.
Make a small notch for the stocking handle on each pattern part, and then pin together your patchwork part with the back of the stocking.
Also sew the two pieces together so that you now have two separate stockings turned inside out.
Now take the pattern part intended for the handle of the Christmas stocking, fold it along the middle and sew it together with 1 cm seam allowance. Turn over the handle, iron it and then attach it to the face side of the stocking at the marked notches. Fasten the handle with a few stitches in 0.5 cm seam allowance, so that it fits correctly when you are to sew together the stocking at the top.
Now pin the top of the two stockings together on the reverse side and leave a piece open so that you can turn it all over on the face side and stop down the lining for the stocking into the outer part of the patchwork stocking. Finally, sew the open piece at the top of the stocking together by hand and iron the entire stocking.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.