The imagination is the only limit when Anna together with the nephew and nieces invents beautiful birds with fun names. "Children's imagination is truly magical," Anna chuckles.
Download and print the template.
Paint several sheets of card stock in different colours and let them dry. Add patterns to some of the coloured sheets. This could be stripes, dots or similar.
Cut out the shapes from the templates.
Transfer the silhouettes to the back of the cardstock and onto design paper. Cut these out.
Make out different imaginary birds from the shapes. "You can make many compositions with these shapes," Anna says.
Gather the birds with double-sided adhesive tape and draw eyes on them.
Lay the birds out on a sheet of A3 paper and give them made-up names like Anna does in the video.
When you are happy with the look of the collage, you can secure the birds with double-sided adhesive tape before you place your artwork in a frame and hang it on the wall.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.