"Green eyes? Big nose? Open mouth?" Anna is considering how the face of the mask should look. The only limit is her imagination. Do like Anna and make a personal clay mask for the wall.
Roll the clay flat with a rolling pin on a smooth surface.
Cut a face shape from the clay. The sides can be smoothed with water on a finger. This way, you can also smooth the surface of the mask as you work on it.
Cut a piece of metal wire of approx. 2.5 cm before the clay dries. Shape the piece to an arc and stick the ends halfway into the edge of the clay in the top of the mask to make it possible to hang it on the wall later on.
Now build the face of the mask with a combination of long rolled pieces, flat and three-dimensional elements cut in the shape of eyes, nose, brows and mouth.
When the clay is dry, the mask is ready to be painted with either acrylic paint or watercolours. You can choose to add dots, stripes or the like with paint in certain parts of the mask.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.