Anna has discoved a lovely way to reuse her old, cracked ceramics. "It is especially thrilling to be able to enjoy old finds in new ways," Anna says while she mixes yet another coloured joint compound.
Find a small vase or jar which you would like to adorn with mosaic. Now, find old ceramics and glass which could use renewal or have cracks. "You can also use vintage finds in beautiful colours. Simply make sure that the ceramics or glass are as thin as possible," Anna recommends.
Put ceramics and glass in a tote bag and smash these into pieces with a hammer.
Put the larger pieces aside as these cannot be used for mosaic.
It is a good idea to make a plan for how you want to place the broken pieces of ceramics and glass. Draw the shape of the vase or jar on a piece of paper. Place the broken pieces in a pattern you find harmonious. From here, it is quite easy to place the pieces directly on the item you are decorating.
Mix sandy clay and acrylic paint to a joint compound in the colour you like. The texture should be like softice.
Now, you can cover the item with the joint compound, and then place the broken pieces on there. Continue until the item is covered.
Let it dry for 24 hours.
In the video, Anna also shows how to make different styles by painting with acrylic paint directly on the vase or jar, and by adding more colour to the joint compound.
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