Did you know that, botanically, quinoa is neither a grain nor a cereal? It belongs to the Salicornia family, together with spinach and beetroot. Anna and Clara are currently very enthusiastic about quinoa, as it is a good source of fibre and a great supplement to their evening salad.
Mix all the ingredients for the dressing. Mix all the ingredients for the salad and serve fresh together with the dressing. Garnish the salad with coarsely chopped peanuts, if desired.
Boil the quinoa as described on the back of the packet, and leave to cool. Rinse and drain the spinach. Rinse the cauliflower and cut into thin slices. You may want to use a mandolin slicer. Peel the mango and cut into thin strips. Cut the pomegranate in half and hold the cut surface with one hand, while tapping on the shell with a spoon. This is the easiest way of getting the seeds out whole, Clara thinks.
As an alternative to quinoa, use bulgur wheat, rice or couscous.
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