The sisters do their best to make room for the small animals and visitors of the garden. "Birds too deserve beautiful surroundings for a little bath," Anna says while she carefully drips details onto the birdbath with the pipette.
Mix a larger amount of acrylic paint in a glass with a bit of water. Do this with two - maybe even more - colours.
Turn your flowerpot upside down and pour the paint from one of the glasses along the edges of the flowerpot, so the paint flows down the pot.
Repeat with the other paint.
Use the pipette to take more of the diluted paint from the glass and add more flowing details to the pot.
When the pot is dry leave it still standing upside down. Now, you can simply add its saucer so it is front up, and the construction can now function as a birdbath.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.