"Perlur fara aldrei úr tísku," heldur Anna. Þess vegna er hún alveg viss um að tíma sem er varið í þetta perluverkefni sé ákaflega vel varið.
Nip off a piece of chain of approximately 3-4 cm.
Open an O ring by turning the sides outwards, using the bent nose pliers or long nose pliers. Place the O ring on the end of the piece of chain.
Put pearls on metal rods. Prepare five metal rods with one pearl on each.
Mount the five metal rods with pearls evenly on the chain. The metal rods are mounted by bending the end into a circle that holds the pearl on the chain. Nip off the excess piece of metal rod.
Open the ring on the end of the ear chain and attach the chain of pearls to it.
Make another ear chain, so you have a matching set.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.