Huggulegir jólapakkar Skreyttu þína eigin gjafamerkimiða með útsaumi. Þú getur notast við útprentanlegt skapalón Önnu eða látið sköpunargleðina ráða för.
Download the template.
Cut out a piece of fabric, place it in the sisters’ embroidery ring and embroider your motif.
Draw the template onto the fabric and cut it out.
Place the paper in the middle of the fabric and glue on the edges. You can scrape off some of the glue to ensure that the fabric can be placed evenly and without too many bumps.
Place two strips of double adhesive tape on the backside and stick the gift tag onto it.
Put a needle with yarn or a ribbon through the top of the card and tie it to your present.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.