"It does not have to be difficult making a festive cake," Clara says. Crisp pastry flakes and creamy filling makes the sisters' mille feuille a popular feature at any party. The recipe is for four cakes.
Cut every puff pastry sheet into four equally sized rectangles, so you have 12 in total. Sprinkle icing sugar on both sides of the pieces.
Lay out the puff pastry pieces on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Place another piece of baking paper on top, and bake for approx. 10 min. at 180 degrees. Then, place another baking tray on top of the baking paper to add some light pressure on the pastry, and bake for another 10 minutes.
Chill the puff pastry pieces on a grate. If the cake is not to be assembled right away, you can store the baked pastry pieces in an air-tight container with baking paper between each piece.
Whisk mascarpone and cream to an airy mix. Pour the mix in a piping bag with a round nozzle. Also pour the lemon curd in a piping bag with a round nozzle.
Now, assemble the cakes. Place a piece of baked pastry on a flat surface, and pipe dollops of both mascarpone custard and lemon curd on the entire piece. Then, place another piece of puff pastry. Repeat the process, until you have three layers of puff pastry and three layers of filling. Decorate the cake with dried flowers, and serve at once.
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