Pappír er ekki aðeins efniviður í öðrum verkefnum. Hann getur í raun verið verkefni í sjálfu sér. Búðu til þinn eigin pappír og bættu í hann blómum, jurtum, glimmeri eða hverju því sem andinn blæs þér í brjóst.
Pour the white pulp and a glass of water into a food processor. Blend until the pulp is smooth.
Fill a tub with lukewarm water. Pour the pulp into the tub. If you wish to have colours and details on the paper, then add confetti, foil flakes, colours or whatever you prefer to the tub as well.
Stir the mixture in the tub. Make sure that the pulp is stirred up from the bottom.
Now move your frame through the water. Do this once or twice depending on the size of the tub, while making sure the entire frame has been covered by the water with pulp.
Place the frame with the wet paper on a tea towel and use another tea towel to squeeze out the water. Then carefully remove the frame from the paper.
Hang the tea towel with the paper to dry. Please note that water will drip from the paper.
After a day or two, the paper will be dry, and you can carefully peel off the paper from the tea towel. Optionally, you can smoothen out the paper by placing it between books to apply pressure.
Add dry spruce needles from this year’s Christmas tree and use it for next year’s Christmas cards.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.