"A beautiful addition to the autumn wardrobe," Clara finds. Wear this vest over a blouse, shirt, or dress, and let the lovely pattern add wonderful colour to your outfit while the soft knit keeps you warm on cooler days.
The slipover is knitted from the bottom up using one strand of mohair nylon yarn and one strand of wool yarn or one strand of wool tweed yarn. See chart for pattern, colour scheme and colour change. The edges are worked in moss stitch: First round (rd): knit (k) 1, purl (p) 1. In next row(r)/rd, the pattern shifts one stitch (see chart).
Using circular knitting needle size 5 mm and one strand each of Col 1 and Col 9, cast on 108 stitches (sts). For the rib, work 10 rds of moss stitch as follows: Rd 1: Col 1 + Col 9. Rd 2: Col 3 + Col 10. Rd 3: Col 1 + Col 9. Rd 4: Col 4 + Col 8. Rd 5: Col 1 + Col 9. Rd 6: Col 2 + Col 9. Rd 7: Col 1 + Col 9. Rd 8: Col 5 + Col 7. Rds 9-10: Col 1 + Col 9.
Switch to circular knitting needle size 8 mm and continue working in stocking stitch following the pattern and colour changes shown in the chart until the work measures about 30 cm.
Now work front and back separately, back and forth on the circular knitting needle. Work k on the right side and p on the wrong side and follow the pattern and colour changes shown in the chart. Decrease and increase as follows:
Divide the 54 sts of the front in two halves, i.e. 27 sts in each half. Leave 27 sts (right front) plus 54 sts (back) on the needle and work with 27 sts for the left front. At the armhole side, increase in the first r and then in every 4th r: Work 1 st through the loop between the 1st and 2nd st. At the neck edge, decrease in the first r and then in every 4th r: k the last 2 sts together. The number of sts should therefore remain the same = 27 sts. Follow the chart. Cast off. Work the right front in the same way, but reverse the shaping.
Start by knitting stocking stitch across all 54 sts. Increase in the first r and then in every 4th r at the armhole on both sides and follow the chart. Divide the back sts in two halves and increase in alternate rs as shown in the chart. Work each half of the back separately. Work the last pattern sequence still following the chart. 27 sts remain. Cast off. Work the other half of the back, but reverse the shaping. Sew the shoulders with mattress stitches.
Using knitting needle size 5 mm, pick up about 40 sts from the bottom of the v-neckline on the front to the bottom of the v-neckline on the back on the right-hand side. Work 7 rs of moss stitch with the following colour changes: Row 1: Col 1 + Col 9. Row 2: Col 5 + Col 7. Row 3: Col 1 + Col 9. Row 4: Col 2 + Col 9. Row 5: Col 1 + Col 9. Row 6: Col 3 + Col 10. Row 7: Col 1 + Col 9. Row 8: Cast off. Work the other side to match.
Using circular knitting needle size 5, pick up about 58 sts around the armhole. Work moss stitch with the same colour changes as described above. Cast off and work the other sleeve rib to match.
Sew the neck rib to the bottom of the v-neckline on the front and back to highlight the V.
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