The sisters have hidden a treasure chest filled with treats and prepared a fun letter hunt for the guests at their nephew's birthday party. "When the treasure hunters have found all the letters, they can make out the word which tells them, where the treasure is hidden," Clara explains. Find inspiration to create a cosy letter hunt for your own little treasure hunters.
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Preparation: Blow six eggs and save them for cooking. Put a small, folded note with the letter in question in one of the eggs through one of the holes. Description: The note is hidden in one of the eggs before you. Take turns to choose which egg, you want to examine or destroy.
Preparation: Lock a letter from the word inside a suitcase or similar using the padlock. The letter can simply be written on a note. Find several pieces of four different fruits which are to represent the code for the padlock. I.e. 4 bananas, 2 apples, 5 pears, and 7 oranges make up the code 4257. The fruits are to be hidden in the garden or indoors. Help the treasure hunters find the fruits by letting them know whether it is getting warmer. Description: The letter is inside the suitcase. To open the suitcase, you need to find the hidden bananas, apples, pears, and oranges. When you have found these, you will have the code to the padlock.
Preparation: Write the letter on a sheet of paper using a white crayon. Draw some other motifs on a number of other sheets of paper also in white crayon, so they are invisible. Description: On one of these blank sheets, the next letter is hidden. Make it appear with water colours. Choose the sheet of paper you wish to examine and paint on.
Preparation: Put multiple objects in a suitcase. All the items must start with the letter that is needed for the letter hunt. Here, you decide how difficult this task is by choosing how many objects should fit into the suitcase and how many seconds the treasure hunters have to memorise the objects in. Description: You have 10 second to memorise which objects are inside the suitcase. Then you have to list all the objects and agree on which letter they all start with.
Preparation: Find the template with the many letters. Fill in the gaps with the letter that fits the chosen word. Description: Look at the paper with the many letters and point out which letter stands out.
Preparation: Cut out the letter in cardboard and freeze it in a recycled plastic container filled with water. Remove this from your freezer some time before the game starts so the block of ice containing the letter can be removed from the plastic container. Description: Free the letter from the ice. You can use the following tools: a hair dryer, warm water, a rubber mallet.
Preparation: Make one or more letters in recycled cardboard along with other motifs. Start by writing the letter on the cardboard before cutting it out. Remember to use a cutting mat. Mix sand and corn starch with water in a large bowl or tub. Hide the letters in the mass and let it all dry. You can also opt to use just sand or sandy clay. Description: Dig the letter out of the sand. Use brushes as tools.
Preparation: Find the puzzle template and draw one of the necessary letters on here along with some other drawings so that every piece of the puzzle is drawn on. Cut out the puzzle pieces. Description: Do this puzzle to find the letter.
Preparation: Draw horizontal lines on a sheet of paper corresponding the number of letters that make up the chosen word. Write in some of the letters so making out the word is not too hard. Description: When all the letters are collected, put them together to find the word that tells you where the treasure is hidden.
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