"It is the little details that make a guest feel welcome," Anna says about the handmade macramé holder that holds a little guest towel in the sisters' bathroom.
Attach the metal ring to the table with a piece of strong tape.
Cut four pieces of macramé yarn of 150 cm each.
Measure out 37.5 cm on one of the yarn pieces and tie it to the ring at this mark. Repeat with the other three pieces of yarn, so there are eight yarn pieces hanging from the ring. You should view the eight pieces as two sets of four. In each set, the short ends of the yarn should be in the centre of the set and the long ends should be each side of the set.
Now, it is time to make half square knots, also called 'spiral knots' or 'spiral stitch' in one of the sets. Place the string fartherst on the left loosely behind the two next strings and then in front of the fourth string. Then, bring the fourth string through the loop made of the first string in front of string number 2. Tighten. Continue, until the spiral knotted piece is 16 cm long.
Using the same method, make spiral knots in the other set of yarn until this spiral piece is also 16 cm long.
Now, make the same type of knot but start with the right string in the set instead of the left. This time, you should not tighten as much, but leave a hole of approx. 1 cm in the knot.
Now, continue to knot alternating from left and right ('square knots') until the piece is 5 cm. This piece will be flat instead of spiral-shaped.
Bring the two short ends in the middle of the set through the hole you left earlier before the flat knotted piece of 5 cm. Then, make two more square knots from one side and from the other and tighten. There is now a closed loop on the flat knottet piece.
Repeat the process on the other set of yarn on the metal ring.
Fringe the loose ends with a comb and trim them.
Put a bamboo stick through the macramé loops and hang the towel holder.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.