Anna finds tying every knot calming as she creates new macramé wonders. "It is almost meditative," she says. "Suitable for its purpose, the yoga mat," Clara smiles. Follow Anna's guide to make your own.
Cut pieces of the macramé yarn into five different lenghts: two times 18 m, one time 5 m, and two times 0.5 m yarn. Bend both ends of the 18 m macramé yarn in the middle, and fold the two ends so they become a bundle, but leave approximately 45 cm outside the bundle. Fold a piece of tape around the bundles. Follow the same procedures with the 5 m yarn length.
Gather the two folded ends. Take one of the threads from the 0.5 m bundle, place the end of the bundle 7 cm further down from the gathered threads, and make a reversed noose at approximately 8 cm. Grab all the threads and twist the long end of the 0.5 m thread around the assembly. When you have about 2.5 cm left of the thread, lead it through the reverse noose and tighten. Cut off the loose ends.
Attach the gathered nooses to a tabletop. Place the two bundles of 18 m to respectively the left and right, while the bundle of 5 m is placed in the middle.
Make a 'square knot' as shown in the video. A square knot is carried out this way: place the two threads from the bundle at the left loosely above the two threads from the bundle in the middle, and subsequently lead it under the bundle placed to the right. Now, lead the bundle from behind through the right side and through the space in between the left-side bundle and the bundle in the middle and tighten. Follow the same approach on the opposite side. You have now created your first square knot.
Continue making square knots until your carry strap has obtained the desired length.
When you have reached the desired length for your carry strap, fold the ends of the threads and follow the same procedure as in step 2. Now, your carry strap is ready to be used for transporting your yoga mat.
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