Bring out the embroidery thread and prolong the life of your clothes. Anna often transforms the nephew's and nieces' ripped trousers with an embroidered star motif. "A sweet and quirky way to give your clothes new life," she finds.
Mark six points circling the hole of your clothes with a pencil or a piece of chalk.
Place an embroidery hoop around the hole.
Begin your star motif by embroidering from the first mark and jump directly through the third mark.
Go back to the skipped mark and continue from there to the fourth mark. Continue all around the hole. A good reminder is to always skip one mark and then return to the skipped mark.
Continue embroidering by starting a new row along the sides of the star until all the rows meet in the middle.
Pin and cut the thread and you have now embroidered a star.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.