Create precious and aromatic moulded candles. "Add small flowers or your favourite herbs to the glass jar," Anna suggests.
Pour candle wax into a preservation jar and fill a casserole with water. Place the preservation jar in the casserole and heat the water slowly at low heat.
Now take a new preservation jar and glue a candle wick to its bottom using a glue gun. Then dab some oil onto the inside of the glass.
Press the desired amount of flower confetti or whichever small decorative elements you prefer onto the inside of the patent jar. Then pour the liquid wax into the glass. Be aware not to mix the flower confetti with the wax before pouring in the wax.
Put a clamp on the candle wick and let it rest on the edge of the glass. Hereby, the wick remains at a vertical angle when the wax becomes dry.
When the wax is dry, you are ready to create a cosy atmosphere by lighting your homemade moulded candles. Idea: You can use all sorts of decorative elements for your candles. For instance, you can add dried lavender or rosemary for a lovely scent. Just make sure that the dried ingredients do not get too close to the wick, otherwise the candle cannot burn.
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