Anna hengir litlu ballerínuna á trjágrein í blómavasa og brosir þegar hún tekur að snúast um sjálfa sig. "Litla ballerínan er að sýna hæfni sína," segir Anna.
Print the template and cut it out. It can be easier to cut out the template on a piece of cardboard.
Place the template on a sheet of design paper and draw around it. Cut the shape out of the paper.
Spread craft glue on the ballerina’s skirt with a brush and add clippings of silk paper.
Let the ballerina dry.
Use double sided tape to attach each part of the skirt with a little overlap where the parts meet.
Put a string through the ballerina’s arms. Now, you can hang the little dancer on a branch or similar.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.