Nýttu efnisafganga eða bútasaumsefni systranna í fyrirtaks nálapúða með bútasaumi. Þannig getur þú ávallt haft títuprjóna við höndina í komandi saumaverkefnum.
Cut four pieces of fabric that measure 7 x 7 cm and place them as shown in step 1.
Place the two pieces to the right on top of the two pieces to the left and add in pins.
Sew the 2 x 2 pieces of fabric together 0.5 cm from the edge.
Flip the two pieces of fabric so that they have the wrong side up.
Iron the stitches.
Place the two pieces with the right sides facing and sew them 0.5 cm from the edge as shown on the picture.
Fold it out with the wrong side up and iron the edges.
All four pieces are now sewn together
Place the patchwork on top of the fabric that you want for the backside and cut it out so that it has the same size as the patchwork
Now you have two pieces of the same size.
Place the two with the right side facing and sew 0.5 cm around the edges. Let 5 cm be open so that you can turn it inside out.
Fill the pincushion with filling.
Sew the last 5 cm by hand.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.