Place Søstrene Grene’s printable fairy tales in a frame for displaying on the wall before reading them out loud as bedtime stories. Anna and Clara have written a number of rhyming fairy tales which are available in eight different languages.
“Big dreams aren’t only for those big and tall, dreams are what we’re made of, one and all.†Thus ends one of Anna and Clara’s new fairy tales – with a fine message for the little darlings to fall asleep to. Both the sisters’ nephew and their nieces absolutely adore the fabulous fairy tales – and slightly older children, who are learning to read, can join in the reading and try to follow the rhythm of the rhymes as a fun and educational little exercise.
Quite apart from being magical stories, Søstrene Grene’s delicately coloured printable fairy tales are also extremely decorative – place them in a frame for displaying on the wall or on a shelf. It is then very easy to take down the frames and read out loud from them at bedtime.
There is nothing like a personalised gift, according to Clara. A framed fairy tale makes a delightful addition to a present given for a birthday or a baptism, and an equally gorgeous present for the children’s room on its own. It is a gift with a personal touch which is sure to warm the heart of the recipient.
Hanging up a number of fairy tales together in the children’s room or in a reading corner is a wonderful and decorative way of spreading the delightful messages. Pick the fairy tale that appeals most to your family, or use a number of fairy tales to create a beautiful picture wall.
Print the fairy tale.
Cut the fairy tale to size so that it fits the frame.
Place the fairy tale in the frame.
Hang it up on the wall, display it on a shelf or give it away as a gift.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.