Pastel magic for children’s rooms.
Cut four lengths of wool yarn, measuring 80 cm, 72 cm, 66 cm and 60 cm, respectively. You will need four different colours of cotton yarn for the rainbow.
Fold the shortest length of wool double with a slight overlap, and tie it off with a short piece of cotton yarn in the colour you will be wrapping around the wool.
People always say there is a treasure at the end of the rainbow, so Clara recommends hanging these up in the rooms where your little treasures sleep.
When all the colours of the rainbow have been wrapped, glue them together in the shape of an arc. Glue only one at a time using the hot glue gun. Avoid using too much glue as it can run down the front of the rainbow. Cut a short piece of cotton yarn, fold this into a loop and tie a knot before gluing it to the back of the rainbow. The rainbow is now ready for hanging.
Now wrap cotton yarn around the folded length of wool. Start about 4 cm in and stop 4 cm before reaching the opposite end. Take care not to wrap the yarn too tightly or too loosely, and try to avoid crisscrossing the yarn too much.
For an even more decorative rainbow, glue beads to the front using a hot glue gun.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.