Unleash your creativity and mould a unique and organically shaped candlestick from self-hardening clay. "Cover it in foil and it will look like solid gold," Anna says with a smile.
Mould a base for the candlestick from self-hardening clay, and smooth the surface with water. If need be, you can use clay tools to mould the clay further.
Place the candle cup at the top of the base. Try adding the candle to the candlestick to check if it is even before the clay dries.
If necessary, release the clay from the surface with a clay cutter so the candlestick is not stuck when dry.
Sand any rough edges when the clay is dry.
Cover the dry candlestick in foil using decoupage glue and a paintbrush.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.