The classic Danish twisted bonfire bread gets an extra tasty dimension in this pesto version. "Use your favourite kind of pesto," Clara suggests.
Prepare the dough. Melt the butter in a pot. Remove the pot from the stove and add milk. Pour the mixture into a bowl and stir in the yeast. Add flour, sugar, salt, and egg. Knead until the dough is smooth. Leave the dough to rise for approximately an hour.
Divide the dough into 8 buns. Flatten out each bun with a rolling pin. Spread the pesto and roll the dough into the shape of a sausage so the filling does not spill out.
Twist the filled dough around the end of a stick and bake these over the embers from the bonfire.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.