Linocut birds


Bake your own ornaments

Clara has gone to the kitchen to mix a salt dough that Anna afterwards will neatly cut out in all kinds of lovely shapes and decorate with beautiful colours. Do like the sisters do, and make your own Christmas ornaments of salt dough.


Make a salt dough by mixing 2 dl wheat flour, 1 dl fine salt, 1 dl water, and 1 tablespoon oil.


Roll out the dough, and then use cookie cutters to cut out lovely shapes and motifs. Use a straw to cut out holes for hanging. Then, bake the ornaments at 100 degrees Celsius for four hours.


Paint the sour dough ornaments in your favourite colours. When the paint is dry, you can add acrylic glitter paint.


Your salt dough ornaments are now ready to be hung. For an enchanting expression, use a silk ribbon for hanging.

  • 2 dl wheat flour
  • 1 dl fine salt
  • 1 dl water
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • Silk ribbon
  • Acrylic paint
  • Acrylic glitter paint
  • Rolling pin
  • Cookie cutters
  • Straw

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