The nieces carefully place the little beads in the correct places on the bead plate. Eventually, the sweet hedgehog comes to be.
Download and print the template and place it under your bead plate.
Place the beads on the bead plate as shown in the template.
When the motifs are done, iron them with a flat iron with a piece of baking paper between the bead plate and the flat iron. Let them cool off.
Now, the legs are to be attached to the hedgehog body. Add yarn to an embroidery needle and bring the needle through the bottom hole on the leg from the back and through one of the holes of the body from the back. Once the string is on the front, add a bead and bring the string back where it came from. Tie a knot on the back.
Attach the other leg to the body in the same way.
Connect the legs by tying a string between the top holes of the legs.
Tie a new string in the middle of the string connecting the two legs. Add the mushroom to the other end of the new string through one of the top beads of the mushroom. Tie a knot.
Add a string through the top, middle bead of the hedgehog's head. Fold the string in the middle and tie a double knot in the end. The jumping jack can now be hung.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.