Anchor chain necklaces never go out of style, the sisters believe. Follow Anna's step-by-step guide and make your own timeless jewellery. "You can choose just the colour of beads that you prefer," Anna says.
Cut a piece of elastic cord of 15 cm, and add 18 beads to the cord.
Add a crimp bead as an extension to the other beads in one end of the cord and lead the other end of the cord through the same crimp bead but from the opposite side.
Tighten so a circle is made, squeeze the crimp bead so the beads stay in the shape of a circle.
Hide the excess cord in the beads by leading each end of the cord through two beads and cut off the excess cord. This is the first "anchor" for your chain.
Cut another piece of cord of 15 cm and add 18 beads followed by a crimp bead. Lead this string of 18 beads through your first anchor, before closing the new anchor using the same method as before. Now, they are attached to each other.
Continue like this until the anchor chain is of the desired length. Anna has here made 29 anchors in total.
Add three-four O-rings to the left side of the necklace. The first is placed directly onto the last anchor of beads, the rest are added in extension of each other. Use your long-nose pliers for this. Add two O-rings and a lock to the right side. Now, the necklace is ready to be worn.
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