"A lovely activity for getting acquainted with crepe paper," Anna says. She has made a simple template so you can easily begin working on your own project.
Download and print the template.
Fold a piece of crepe paper so it fits the size of the template. The fold should be opposite of the lines of the crepe paper.
Place the template at the fold and cut out the crepe paper in the shape of the template.
Unfold the crepe paper and gather it in the middle.
Twist metal wire around the middle. Leave some wire untwisted at both ends. When you have finished twisting in the middle, twist the two ends together so they look like two antennas.
You can opt to use long-nose plies to bend the antennas and bend the ends or glue beads onto them.
Fold out the butterfly wings and leave them pretty as they are, or glue on beads and gemstones. You can also opt to decorate with metallic brush pens. Anna has chosen to use double-sided adhesive tape to stick the butterflies on to the walls in the nephew and nieces' room.
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