"Patience, my dear," Clara kindly says to the nephew who is reaching for the hot cinnamon buns. "The cinnamon buns taste the best when they have cooled off a bit and are covered with syrup."
First make the dough. Whisk full fat milk and yeast together. Then, add eggs, melted butter, wheat flour, sugar, and salt. Knead this in a mixer for 5-10 minutes on medium speed and with a dough hook.
Let the dough rise to twice its size. Flip it onto your table, and roll it out till it is 3-5 mm thick.
Now, make the remonce. Whisk all the ingredients together and spread on the dough.
Fold the dough in three layers so it resembles a flat, long "sausage". Cut this into pieces with a width of approx. 10 cm.
With knife or scissors, cut a notch in each 10 cm wide piece, so you have three longer pieces to braid with.
Braid each piece of dough. There should be enough for about 12-16 pieces.
Carefully roll the braided pieces together and put them into the muffin pan.
Let them rise for 30 minutes under a dishtowel.
Glaze each bun with whisked egg and bake in an oven at 190 degrees for 15 minutes.
Now, make the syrup. Put brown sugar and water in a small pot and bring to boil. Let this cool off. Glaze each bun with syrup while they cool off.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.