Láttu blóm endast um eilífð með því að skapa þau sjálf úr kreppappír. Anna er sérlega hrifin af bjöllublómum. "Þau eru létt og fínleg," segir hún og brosir.
Cut the crepe paper according to the template. Make two of each template, so you have enough for two flowers.
Paint the crepe paper to create an extra effect. Repeat for the second flower.
Glue along the border of the squared piece of crepe paper and roll it together, so it forms a roll. Repeat for the second flower.
Carefully expand the border on the squared piece of paper, so it gets a ‘trumpet shape’. Repeat for the second flower.
Now take five flower pipes and gather the ends with glue from a glue gun. Immediately put the tip of the metal wire into the warm glue. Repeat for the second flower.
Glue the inner side of the flower (the end which is not expanded) and squeeze this together with the flower pipes and the metal wire. Repeat for the second flower.
Attach the floral tape with a small drop of glue and wrap it around the metal wire a bit down.
Now put together the short and the long flower with the rest of the tape from the long flower.
Add the decorative leaves at the bottom of the flower head.
Cut approx. 10 cm of metal wire off one of the flowers and finish the stem with the floral tape.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.