Anna gæti hæglega látið sig dreyma um jólin allt árið. Í þetta sinn tókst henni að bíða til hausts áður en hún byrjaði nostur við skraut fyrir langþráðar hátíðirnar.
Row 1: Start with 20 chain stitches (ch), finish with 1 extra ch. Row 2: Crochet 20 half treble stitches (htr), finish with 1 ch. Row 3: Crochet 20 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 4: Skip the first stitch, 18 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 5: Crochet 18 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 6: Skip first stitch, 16 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 7: Now crochet 16 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 8 – 23: Continue to decrease every other row until you are left with 2 stitches. Weave in the ends. Start over again with the same process, so you end up with two identical pieces which you can stitch together.
Row 1: Start with 14 chain stitches (ch), finish with 1 extra ch. Row 2: Crochet 14 half treble stitches (htr), finish with 1 ch. Row 3: Crochet 14 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 4: Skip the first stitch, 12 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 5: Crochet 12 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 6: Skip first stitch, 10 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 7: Now, crochet 10 htr, finish with 1 ch. Row 8-15: Continue to decrease every other row until you are left with 2 stitches. Weave in the ends. Start over again with the same process, so you end up with two identical pieces which you can stitch together.
Before assembling your tree, you need to decide whether you want to crochet a tree trunk or attach a real piece of wood.
You have now crocheted two identical triangles for the tree top. Now, assemble the tree by laying the pieces on top of one another and attaching the pieces by crocheting them together with htr stitches. Start in the right corner and crochet along the long side up to the top of the tree and continue along the other side. Stop at the corner, and stuff the tree with an appropriate amount of filling. Close the tree by continuing with htr stitches. Finish with one slip stitch (ss), and weave in the thread. To make the trunk of the tree, you need to measure and mark out the middle of the bottom of the tree. Crochet 4 htr stitches in two rows, and weave in the ends. Attach a string of your choice for hanging.
You have now crocheted two identical triangles for the tree top. Lay these two pieces on top of one another and make two markings (use pins or safety pins) where you want to leave a hole for the tiny branch that is to be the tree trunk. Attach the triangles by crocheting them together with htr stitches. Start at the first marking and crochet along the long side up to the top of the tree. Continue along the other side until you reach your other marking. Finish with 1 ss, cut and weave in the ends. Stuff with an appropriate amount of filling through the hole you left for the trunk. Push in the tree trunk. You can attach a string for hanging or glue the tree trunk to a round wooden slice to make a stand.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.