Anna's love for paper and the art of folding was the inspiration for this fan which will look nice on the wall or notice board.
Paint a big and a small wooden bead with acyllic paint.
Draw an arc in the left corner of a piece of design paper and the right corner of the another piece of design paper. Cut off the corners.
Place the rounded piece of design paper on top of a whole piece of design paper in another colour.
Fold the papers on the short end with approx. 2 cm spaces. Flip the sheets at every fold.
Using a ruler, draw all folds to spikes on the two pieces of paper. The spikes on the whole piece of paper should be twice as long as the spikes on the rounded paper. The spikes on the two pieces of paper should be laying between each other when the two pieces of paper are on top of each other. Cut the spikes free.
Repeat the process with the other two sheets, where the cut-off corner is in the opposite side.
Now, squeeze the two sets together into half fans and secure the ends with tape.
Wrap jute twine around the tape joint in the middle of the fan. There should be about 20 cm of loose twine hanging from the joint at the beginning.
When the joint is covered in jute twine, cut the twine from the ball with an excess piece of twine as long as the loose end from the beginning of the wrap. Tie a knot on the two ends underneath the joint.
First, add the big wooden bead and then the small one to the two loose ends of jute twine and tie four knots to secure the balls.
Twist the two loose ends around each other for approx. 14 cm, and tie a knot.
Fold a piece of A4 cardboard twice until it measures 15 x 10 cm. Wrap jute twine loosely around the cardboard at the short end until you have a bundle of twine. Cut the twine loose in one side.
Tie the bundle of twine together in the middle with the remaining twine from the fan, so they are now stuck together.
Gather all ends and tie a new piece of twine around them approx. 2 cm from the top of the bundle to form a tassel. You can trim the ends of the tassel to make them all equally long.
Gather the two sides of the fan together in the middle and staple them together at the back. The fan is now ready to hang.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.