Create personal art for the home by pressing flowers from an important day in your life. "It can be from your wedding, a birthday or a new baby-bouquet," Anna suggests.
Carefully place the flowers in a flower press one by one. Try to press the flowers in the desired shape as shown in the video. If the flowers are too large for the sheets of cardboard, you can cut them into smaller pieces and reassemble them when it is time to glue them to a frame.
The time it takes to press flowers can differ. It depends on the flowers and how much liquid they contain. Try to continuously tighten the flower press.
Carefully remove the flowers from the flower press. Do as Anna does and try with different layouts before gluing the flowers onto the paper. Put your artwork in a frame with a passe-partout and let it decorate beautifully in the home as an eternal memory of the wonderful day.
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