"Nýttu afgangsefni með því að sauma úr því yndisfagurt páskaskraut," segir Anna. "Skraut úr efnisbútum má nota ár eftir ár," segir Clara brosandi.
Fold the piece of fabric once. Place the template along the border of the crease and attach it with some needles.
Cut out the fabric along the template.
Now you have fabric for one single egg. Cut out pieces of fabric for seven more eggs.
Iron the small pieces of fabric.
Gather the pieces of fabric in pairs with the right side against each other and add some needles to attach it.
Sew the two pieces of fabric together. Do not sew all the way around the fabric but let around 3 cm be open, so you are able to turn the right side out. Repeat with the rest of the pieces of fabric until you have four flat “Easter eggsâ€.
Turn the inside out of the four “Easter eggsâ€, so the right side of the fabric turns outwards.
Place two Easter eggs on top of each other and sew them together along the middle.
Turn the Easter egg a quarter, place another Easter egg on top of it and attach it with some needles.
Turn the Easter egg half a turn, place the last Easter egg on top of it and attach it with some needles.
Sew along the middle of the Easter egg.
The Easter egg now has to be made three-dimensional.
Gather the Easter egg’s four sides at the top and baste them together.
Gather the Easter egg’s four sides at the middle – opposite of where they are gathered at the top - and baste them together.
Gather the Easter egg’s four sides at the bottom – opposite of where they are gathered at the middle - and baste them together.
Take your ball of yarn and make a small tassel.
Sew the small tassel on to the bottom of the Easter egg.
Make a string to hang up the Easter egg with and sew it to the top of the egg.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.