The round crepe paper Christmas ornaments remind Anna of a nostalgic funfair mood and Christmas magic. You can personalise them to just your liking.
First, cut the crepe paper strips for the project in one or more colours. You will need the following number of strips in the various measurements: 1 pc. 13 cm x 45 cm. 1 pc. 10 cm x 45 cm. 1 pc. 8 cm x 45 cm. 2 pcs. 6 cm x 45 cm. 3 pcs. 4.5 cm x 45 cm. 1 pcs. 3.5 cm x 45 cm. 2 pcs. approx. 0.5 cm x 8 cm.
Roll the widest crepe paper strip tightly and glue the roll firmly at the end.
Next, roll the second-widest strip on the roll. Secure the new strip with glue, and make sure it is placed in the middle of the roll.
Continue like this with the rest of the paper strips except for the two smallest ones. The pieces of equal width should be rolled directly on top of each other so the paper aligns at the top and bottom.
Cut a piece of gold ribbon to fit the widest spot on the crepe paper roll and glue it in the middle.
Cut a piece of metal wire of approx. 22 cm. Bend it into a hook and twist the ends around each other for approx. 2 cm. You can trim the ends with side-cutting pliers to make them completely even.
Place a small blob of glue in the hole in the middle of the roll in one end, and place the twisted end of the metal wire hook here. Let it dry.
Glue the two strips of 0.5 cm width to the outer edges of the inner layer of crepe paper which is visible on the ornament in both ends.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.