Nýttu efnisafgangana eða bútasaumsefni systranna til að sauma úr því litla sæta poka. "Efnispokana má nota til að pakka inn gjöfum, undir lítinn farangur, til að geyma í hluti á heimilinu eða hvað annað sem hægt er að ímynda sér," segir Clara.
Cut the fabric using the following measurements: Large bag: Bag: 55 x 22.5 cm. Cord: 55 x 4 cm Small bag: Bag: 39 x 17 cm. Cord: 45 x 4 cm
Cut in a zigzag pattern around the border of all the pieces of fabric.
Turn the back side of the fabric upwards and fold all four corners 2 cm inwards, as shown in the picture. Let the crease run diagonally downwards. Press or iron the crease
Fold both ends of the bag’s fabric 3 cm inwards, as shown in the picture. Press or iron the crease.
Now sew the two folded ends, so that they make up the drawstring pocket.
Fold the bag in the middle, still with the wrong side out. Make sure that the fabric pieces are placed right on top of each other. Now sew along the border on each side and finish the sewing by the drawstring pocket at the top.
Turn the wrong side inwards and iron the whole bag.
Now it is time to sew the bag’s cords. Begin by folding both long sides in towards the middle, so that the back side of the fabric is hidden. Iron the fabric.
Fold the fabric once again and iron it. Now hold down the folds by putting pins in it.
Sew the long piece of fabric together.
Put a safety needle at the end of the cord.
Now drag the cord through both drawstring pockets and then remove the safety pin.
Finish off by tying a knot on the cord.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.