Linocut birds


Fold paper Christmas trees

A little forest of Christmas trees adorns the sisters' windowsill. Anna has carefully folded the trees herself. "You can fold both big and small trees depending on the size of the paper," Anna says.


You will need a square piece of design paper. Fold the paper diagonally and in the middle on all possible places so the paper gets folding lines in the shape of a star.


Turn the paper, so the corners are pointng up, down and to the sides. Grap both side corners and bring them towrads the bottom corner. Now, grap the top corner and bring it down to the others. Press down the edges.


The paper is now shaped like a smaller square.


Fold in both sides so they align with the middle line. Press down the edges.


Flip the paper and repeat.


Cut the excess piece of paper at the bottom along the edges that have just been folded down. You now have a triangle.


Open on side flap again. Push the folded edge to the middle and press flat. Repeat on the opposite side.


Flip the paper and repeat.


Grap the edges to the right. Cut horizontal notches all the way along the edges with approx. 2 cm space in between. Then, fold the snips down to form triangles. These are the branches of the Christmas tree. Fold the side you have just worked on to the left as if it were a book. Grap the next side to the right and repeat the process of cutting notches and folding them down. Repeat until you have cut branches all the way aorund the tree.

  • Design paper
  • Scissors

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