Anna has decorated a little chest with a beautiful motif and intends to use it as a present for a future bride and groom. At the wedding party, she will leave the open chest, so it can be filled with advice and beautiful words from the guests. “On their one-year anniversary, the couple can open the chest and read all the messages,†Anna smiles. Clara notes that the gift idea could also be used for round birthdays and other celebrations.
Download and print the template. Now, cut out the motifs. For this, you can use regular paper, but if you would like to use the template multiple times, it can be helpful to transfer the template to cardboard.
Place the template where you would like the motifs on the chest and fill out the empty spaces by dabbing acrylic paint into them. For this, you can use a dabbing brush or a regular kitchen sponge. If you are using a dabbing brush, Anna recommends that you first wet it lightly. Be careful not to wet it too much as the paint will then spread in the wood. If you wish to, you can draw on extra leaves with a watercolour pen. Here, Anna recommends drawing fast and light, so the colour doesn’t spread too much.
You can write the initials of the person or persons receiving the gift on the outside of the chest. And a date or message for the guests, so they know the purpose of the chest, on the inside of the lid. Here, Anna has drawn the initials with a pencil and coloured them in with a coloured pencil. You can also use acrylic paint for this.
Decorate all edges both on the inside and outside with acrylic paint in i.e., gold.
When the chest is dry, you can glue on dried flowers on both the inside and outside. Here, Anna has used hydrangea and baby’s breath.
Put silk paper in the chest and prepare little notes or manila tags in the same number as there will be guests. “Maybe add a few extra, so you don’t run out at the party,†Anna smiles.
The sisters recommend that you introduce the guests to the gift idea at the beginning of the party, so they all know the purpose. You can place the chest on the gift table, so the gift receiver remembers to take it home.
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