"The joy of gift-giving starts with the gift wrapping," Anna believes. She recommends this method for gifts which are in the shape of a rectangle and not too tall, such as a book.
Cut the gift wrapping paper in a fitting size, so the sides meet in the middle, when folded around the gift.
Now, place the gift in the middle of the paper. Fold one of the wider sides of the paper over the gift.
Make sure the the gift-wrapping paper is aligned with the longer side of the gift. Now, fold the paper into triangles at each side of the gift, just as shown in the video.
Flatten the triangles with your fingers, the sharper the fold the better the result will be at the end. You can choose to use a protractor as Anna in the video. This way, you can make sure the folds are sharp.
Do as Anna in the video, and place a strip of design paper around the gift, so the strip's ends meet in the middle where they are secured with tape.
Now, fold the triangles in over the gift just as in the video and secure these with tape.
Cut two strips of gift ribbon of 20 cm and one strip of 15 cm. Then, cut one strip of 5.5 cm and one of 17 cm.
Fold the 20 cm strips and the 15 cm strip so their ends meet in the middle and glue the ends to the middles. Place the two 20 cm strips on top of eachother so they make up a cross and place the 15 cm strip on top just as in the video. Sew these together in the middle.
Cut a triangle into each end of the 17 cm strip.
Place the sewn together nooses on the 17 cm strip and place the small strip of 5.5 cm across the gathering in the middle and glue it on to the back of the bow.
Glue the bow on to the gift in the middle. "Now you have a gift, which is equally lovely inside and out," Anna smiles.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.