"Sendu einhverjum sem er þér kær sérstaka kveðju," leggur Clara til. Notaðu skrautritunarpenna systranna til að gera handskrifað bréfið jafnvel enn einstakara.
Take a piece of paper from the watercolour pad.
Draw lines with a pencil with 1 cm spacing between them.
Write your greeting with a calligraphy pen.
Wipe out the lines with an eraser.
Take a piece of transparent paper and place it across your letter, measuring the distance so that it is centered.
Flip both pieces over and secure the transparent paper with stickers
Flip over the letter.
Light the wick on your wax set and drip wax onto the paper with approx. 1.5 cm in diameter.
Apply your stamp and let it sit for approx. 12 seconds.
Apply your stamp and let it sit for approx. 12 seconds.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.