"Look, aunt Anna, I am a dangerous dinosaur!" the nephew exclaims as soon as he puts on the sisters' latest knitting project, the dino jumper. Unleash your creativity with this warm and cosy jumper for the little ones.
The jumper is knitted from the top down on a circular knitting needle with raglan increasing. The dinosaur scales are knitted separately and sewn on at the end.
Using a circular knitting needle size 5 mm, cast on 60 (66) stitches (sts). Work 1 round (rd): purl (p) to end of rd. Now work 6 rds of knit (k) 1, p1 rib, and set a stitch marker (ssm) at the start of the rd. Finish with 1 rd: p to end of rd. Switch to circular knitting needle size 6 mm.
Rd 1: Ssm at start of rd, k1, ssm, k12 (13) (sleeve), ssm, k1, ssm, k16 (18) (front), ssm, k1, ssm, k12 (13) (sleeve), ssm, k1, ssm, k16 (18) (back).
Rd 2: Ssm, k1, ssm, m1L, k12 (13), m1R, ssm, k1, ssm, 1 m1L, k16 (18), m1R, ssm, k1, ssm, m1L, k12 (13), m1R, ssm, k1, ssm, m1L, k16 (18), m1R.
m1R (right leaning increase): Insert the left needle from the back and under the bar between two stitches. Work the new stitch through the front.
m1L (left leaning increase): Insert the left needle from the front and under the bar between two stitches Work the new stitch through the back.
Continue increasing in alternate rows 17 (19) times until there are 196 (218) sts in all. Slide 2 x 47 (52) sleeve sts onto two stitch holders and work the body over the remaining 102 (114) sts. Cast on 4 sts at each underarm = a total of 110 (122) sts in the rd. Work 19 (23) cm of stocking stitch. Switch to circular knitting needle size 5 mm and work rib: Rd 1: p to end of rd. Rds 2-8: k1,p1 rib. Rd 9: Cast off all sts purlwise.
Slide the 47 (52) sleeve stitches onto double-pointed knitting needles size 6 mm and pick up 4 underarm sts from the body. Ssm at the centre of the 4 sts. Work stocking stitch and decrease 2 sts on each side of the ssm in every 6th (8th) rd, 7 times in all = 37 (42) sts in the rd. Switch to double-pointed knitting needles size 5 mm and work rib: Rd 1: p to end of rd. Rds 2-8: k1,p1 rib. Rd 9: Cast off all sts purlwise. Work the second sleeve in the same way.
Using double-pointed knitting needles size 4 mm and 2 strands of cotton yarn Col 3, cast on 12 sts. Work 1 r of garter stitch (k to end). In the following rs, knit 2 st together until 1 st remains (1st dino scale). Now cast on 11 new sts (yarn over needle). Knit the next dino scale like the previous one.
Continue until you have a string of 7 (8) dino scales. If you wish, you can knit each dino scale in a different colour. If you do, switch to a new colour when you knit the last 2 sts together. After the last dino scale, break yarn and pull through the last st. Leave a long tail to sew the dino scales onto the sleeve. Knit another string of dino scales for the second sleeve.
Make sure that the garter stitch ridges on your dino scales face the same way, and sew the scales to the top of the sleeves. Start at the neck rib and end at the wrist rib. Weave in ends.
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