Linocut birds

Painting and drawing

Linocut birds

With Clara's enthusiasm for the garden's bird life in mind, Anna has tried to depict the airborne guests in her latest linocut. "Nothing brings joy like a personalised artwork," Anna chuckles and encourages you to do the same.


Draw a motif of your choice on a piece of paper with a pencil, or draw the motif directly on the lino board. Anna kindly reminds you that the motif will be mirrored when printed.


If you have sketched the motif on a piece of paper, you can transfer it to the lino board by turning the motif's pencil side down and shading with a pencil on the backside of the paper, as shown in the video.


Cut out the motif using the linocut carving tools. Anna recommends that you use the different tools for variation.


Once you have cut your motif into the lino board, you can choose to use the birds as stamps by releasing them from the sheet using a precision knife. "That way, a whole flock of birds can easily be printed," Anna explains.


Roll out the paint on an even and smooth surface and distribute it with the rubber paint roller.


Roll the rubber paint roller with paint back and forth over the cut-out lino stamp. Roll from different sides until the paint is evenly distributed. Make sure there is not too much paint on the sheet to avoid the paint running into the cuts.


Place a sheet of cardboard on a surface and press the linoleum stamp onto the paper by hand. Smoothen and press over the stamp to make sure you get the entire motif printed.


Repeat steps 6-7 until you have reached your desired result. Let the darling bird motif adorn a wall in your home or use it to surprise a loved one.

  • Pencil
  • Linoleum cutting board
  • Card stock
  • Precision knife
  • Linoleum paint
  • Linocut tools
  • Lino board
  • Rubber paint roller

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