Anna and Clara have invited their nephew and nieces on a trip to the summer cottage, but the sisters have forgotten to pack the favourite game: tic tac toe. Luckily, Anna always carries a roll of jute twine and markers in her bag. "For creative emergencies," Anna smiles and encourages the dear little ones to look for stones and sticks in nature.
Find six stones at the beach. Stones which are flat and smooth in structure are best as they are easier to draw on.
Find four sticks of a length of approx. 45 cm. The sticks should be as straight as possible.
Draw X's on three stones and O's on the other three. You can also choose other motifs like in the video.
Put the four sticks on top of each other so they make nine separate spaces for the game.
Tie jute twine around the sticks where they are gathered.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.