"That's amazing, Aunt Clara!" the nephew chuckles as Clara knocks over one of the kubbs in the homemade kubb game. With the sisters' guidance, you can make your own kubb game for wonderful moments in the sun with your dear ones.
Cut the wooden pole into 10 kubbs of 24 cm and a king of 30 cm. Also, cut the wooden stick into six sticks of 40 cm for throwing.
Polish the wooden pieces carefully using sandpaper.
Now, you can decorate your kubb game as you wish. The sisters recommend using acrylic or furniture paint. In the video, the pieces are first painted in a base colour, and afterwards decorated with fruit motifs. You can paint the kubbs of the two teams with different motifs and the king with a combination of the two patterns, or simply let your imagination decide. "Before you paint your motif, it can be helpful to draw it with a pencil first," Anna suggests. "And do use painter's tape if you wish to achieve sharp lines," Clara adds. In that case, the sisters recommend you to paint away from the edge of the tape rather than towards it.
Let the kubb game dry completely before you and your loved ones use it.
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