When Christmas is near, the sisters are fond of wrapping gifts beautifully. "Elegantly wrapped gifts can embellish the home almost as much as Christmas decorations can," Anna believes.
Download and print the stencil for the mistletoe.
Place the gift in the centre of the inside of your wrapping paper and draw around the gift.
Place the printed stencil within the outline of the gift and cut by the stencil, ensuring that you cut through the stencil as well as the wrapping paper. "Remember to use a cutting mat," Clara says.
Remove the stencil and replace it with a piece of printed or coloured tissue paper facing front down towards the inside of the wrapping paper.
Place the gift on top of the tissue paper and wrap the gift as you normally would.
Turn the gift around and fold the cut half heart shapes and remove the stem in the middle, so that the tissue paper is visible.
Glue on the inside of the heart shape flaps and sprinkle with gold glitter. Blow the surplus glitter gently off the gift.
Make plenty of dots from gold cardboard paper with a hole puncher and glue the dots to the gift around the mistletoe.
The gift is now ready to be placed underneath the lovely Christmas tree.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.