Linocut birds

Holidays and special occasions

Napkin ring for New Year's Eve

Let the starry nights of winter be a part of the New Year's Eve table arrangement with beautiful napkin rings. "It can be quite easy to add a touch of personality and elegance to the table," Anna says as she adds the finishing touches to the New Year's Eve table.


Wrap the wire around the rolling pin 4-5 times and cut the wire with side-cutting pliers so that the ends nearly meet. "You can wrap the wire rather randomly to get a charming intervowen look," Anna suggests.


Cut out stars from the glitter cardboard. You can make a single star and use it as a template to make more, or you can do as in the video and cut out different stars from a cardboard square.


Glue the stars onto the napkin ring. Anna suggests that you place a napkin in the napkin ring before you begin glueing to keep it in place. "You should, however, be aware not to glue on the napkin itself," Clara smiles.


Glue beads onto the napkin ring. Use whichever beads that suit your personal taste. Here, Anna and Clara have used metallic and pearly beads.


Make a napkin ring for every seat at the New Year´s Eve table.

  • Scissors
  • Glitter cardboard
  • Wire
  • Side-cutting pliers
  • Glue gun
  • Beads
  • Rolling pin or another cylinder shape with a diameter of approximately 5-6 cm.

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