The sisters quite enjoy letting the nephew and nieces paint flowers using poster paint and plastic bags. "The poster paint is especially easy for children to paint with, the technique, however, is eligible for both children and adults alike," Anna smiles. Make room for a cosy project with the dear little ones and follow Anna's guide.
First, paint your canvas in the desired background colour. Here, Anna has used a dark green acrylic paint and the paint is purposely not all-covering. To achieve the same look, make sure to make broad and random strokes. Let this dry.
Tie a knot in the closed end of a small plastic bag. Anna uses a bag which can contain up to four litres. Just make sure that the bag is not leaking. Turn the bag inside out so the knot is now inside the bag. Pour some water into the bag and close it off with another knot as shown in the video.
Press out a blob of yellow poster paint, and then add a ring of peach-coloured paint around the yellow blob and finish with a ring of rose paint to encapsule the peach-coloured paint.
Dip the bag in the paint. The knot should hit the yellow paint in the middle. Now, dip the bag onto some cardboard to test the technique. If it looks like a flower, you can start 'painting' the flowers onto the canvas by altering between dipping the bag in the paint and then on the canvas.
You can opt to finish the details with a paintbrush and add some leaves with green paint and a brush.
Now, this wonderful work of art can serve as decoration in the home.
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