Linocut birds


Paper bag Christmas stars

Reuse your paper bags and transform them into elegant Christmas stars to be hung up during Christmas time. "You can choose whatever expression you wish for the star to have," Anna adds with a smile.


Cut a pattern of your choice into one paper bag, and sketch this pattern with a pencil on top of the other bags. You will need approximately 9-10 bags to create one star.


Now, follow your sketched lines and cut the other paper bags, so they all have the same pattern. Stack them, and make sure they are all facing the same way.


Then, cut a piece of string to be used to hang up the star.


Glue the string to a paper bag with the glue gun, as demonstrated in the video.


Then you can glue the other paper bags together one by one. Remember to face them all the same way.


Once you have glued all the bags together, it is time to attach the top and bottom bag so the star unfolds. This is done by first unfolding the star and then joining the two outermost bags with glue or hook-and-loop fastener, so it can be folded and take up less space when packed away after Christmas.


Now, your homemade Christmas star is ready to be hung up and spread Christmas cheer in your home.

  • Paper bags (9-10 bags per star)
  • Glue gun
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

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