Create a lovely and detailed bouquet of hydrangea paper flowers. Anna likes to spend creative moments creating decorative flower creations in paper, such as this lively hydrangea flower that will adorn the sisters' dining table.
Print out the template and cut out crepe paper using it. Use two templates to make one flower.
To create a natural expression, you can paint on the paper with purple and blue color using small foam sponges. Only paint on the tips.
Cut pieces of metal wire in different lengths of approx. 15-20 cm and cut a thin strip of paper in the opposite direction of the crepe pattern. Pull the ends of the thin paper strip for more length. Apply glue along the center and then twist the paper around the wire. You now have a flower branch.
Bend with the long-nose pliers around one end of the flower branch to make a small flower bud.
Now, take the dry paper flower petals and make a hole in the middle using an embroidery needle. Attach crosswise two dry flower petals to the flower branch and move them down towards the flower bud. Apply a little glue to keep the leaves in place.
Repeat the procedure until you have made approx. 10-20 flowers. Optionally, you can collect the flowers in bundles using flower tape.
When you have three bundles, you can make a large hydrangea branch by gathering the bundles with a metal stem, wrapping green flower tape around.
Optionally, add some green paper leaves for a more natural expression.
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