Nýttu tímann heima og taktu púða heimilisins í allsherjar yfirhalningu með bútasaumsefni systranna eða efnisafgöngum. Í myndbandinu sýnir Anna hvernig þú saumar töfrandi púðaver úr ólíkum efnisbútum. Sniðmátið er hannað fyrir púða sem eru 45 x 45 cm. að stærð.
Find Anna’s template, print it and cut it out.
Fasten the template in the backside of the fabric with pins and cut out the pieces.
Place all the fabric pieces in the design that you wish.
Gather the pieces so that you have four large squares.
Place the right sides together, fasten with pins and sew along the edge.
Take out the pins and iron down the stitches so they lay flat.
Now you have four larger squares. Gather the two first ones, place the right sides together, fasten them with pins and sew along the edge. Iron the backside so the stitches lay flat.
Follow the same process with the two last squares.
Now you have two rectangles. Place the right sided together, fasten with pins and sew them together so that they become one big square. Remember to iron the backside of the stitches.
Follow the whole process one more time to get two large squares of patchwork.
Sew the two patchwork pieces together, turn them around so you have a pillow with patchwork on both sides.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.